Lux Flow Ionic

Ionic detox foot bath

A natural way to support the body's own healing potential.

What are Negative Ions?

Negative ions are odorless, tasteless, and invisible molecules that we inhale in abundance in certain environments. Think mountains, waterfalls, and beaches. Once they reach our bloodstream, negative ions are believed to produce biochemical reactions that increase levels of the mood chemical serotonin, helping to alleviate depression, relieve stress, and boost our daytime energy. How can their benefits be harnessed?

Detox & Support

Our bodies are capable of repairing themselves, we just need to detox and support the organs through the process. A natural state of homeostasis can be attained.

Lighten your toxic load

We’re exposed to countless toxins every day, from sources we may not even realize. A toxin is any substance that places undue stress on your body. Toxic load is the sum of these substances accumulated within the body and the burden they place on organs.
If you feel burdened—weighed down—by toxins, the simplest solution is to lighten your toxic load.
Learn More Here

What is the science behind Ionic Foot Baths.

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Is it safe?

The Lux Flow ionic Foot Bath is unique in this way compared to other foot baths on the market. This machine is charged with primarily negative current which means they are considered safe for all. 
*We recommend consulting a doctor or physician before use if you are pregnant or have other concerns.

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